Re: [Harp-L] "Breaking in" a harmonica
The two Session Steel harps that let me down were both low D harps and in each case it was the 7-blow that failed after next to no playing time at all. In 20-odd years' playing, nothing remotely as bad as that has ever happened to me. The harps are in my junk box and are very likely to remain there.
> On 21 Sep 2014, at 04:12, "Matt Rackerby" <rackerby@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I have had four SS reed failures. All were top end blow reeds with VERY little playing time on the reeds, two on a Low E Session, two on an A Silver. My experience on Hohner brass reeds with the same keys has been much better. I believe the stiffer SSteel may have difficulty dealing with the short reed I believe the stiffer SSteel may have difficulty dealing with the short reed pressed into a bend.
> Subject: [Harp-L] "Breaking in" a harmonica
> I was kind of surprised by the contributor who has had two Seydel Session
> Steels commit suicide in short order. I have only ever succeeded in "doing
> in" brass reeds. Maybe I am not attacking my harmonicas aggressively enough.
Aongus Mac Cana
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