RE: [Harp-L] Issue with Bushman Delta Frost case
Call me eccentric, but I've kept every harmonica case from every
harmonica I've purchased since 1968. I've got a banker's box full of
them; all different brands. It's cool to see the changes over the
years. Yet, having just had to clean out the home of my deceased
mother-in-law, and fill a dumpster with all the "important" stuff she
hoarded all these years, I guess I'll stop saving my old shoe laces
(hey, that one's not broken), bits of wire and received greeting cards.
But, I ain't getting rid of my old baseball cards or harp cases!
Tom McGovern
Richmond, MI
I saved spl-20 cases until I had 24. Then one day I put them in the
recycling bin. Also 7 270 cases and 2 280 cases.
On Jul 16, 2012, at 8:58 PM, Mike Rogers wrote:
> Good point, David. I always keep cases. Have done so for years. I
put extra harps in whatever I have that the harp will go in. Since I
frequently change harps for different situations, they're constantly
going in and out of my harp belt and into the empty box.
> Bullfrog
> My point anyway, is harmonica cases are expensive. Thus a lot of cases
do double duty. That case was probably not designed for that harmonica.
It's the way it is. When I was a kid, I bought Marine Bands, Blues Harps
and some Golden Melodies. They all came in the same case. I mean, they
were different colors, but the cases were all the same. The only
difference was the bottom insert of the case.
> David Payne
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