[Harp-L] What music does to me

<<< I've given this "what music does to me" question a lot of thought lately, and you may be interested in checking out a discussion I tried to get started (with little success so far) on my blog. I called it 'the body analogy' and you can find it here : http://harmonica.typepad.com/harmonica_ramblings/2006/11/body_analogy.html. >>>

Ben, It is an interesting concept that got me thinking about related issues. What music does to me when...

1. I play it. It's cheaper than therapy and won't mess up my life like drugs or alcohol.

1a. I play it alone. Total freedom.

1b. I play in the company of others. Expression and communication that won't turn unpleasant (except for pressure that I put on myself).

2. someone else is playing. Depends upon the music. Your body analogy kicks in, but I probably will not adopt it exactly as you describe it, for reasons of my own.

2a-z. too far reaching for this post and each of us has our own personal reaction to music that we listen to.

Pertaining to the harp (purely subjective personal opinion):

Heresy #1: As much as I love the sound of the harp, more is not always better. As much as we'd like to be out front, some of the most pleasing harp is when it is played as a tasteful side instrument.

Heresy #2: Virtuosity may not make better music. Show-off super riffs and such that display the players skill often become noise to my unsophisticated ear. I can't follow it, and it pulls me out of the music.

Non-heresy: A good harp solo can be a glimpse of heaven. In the right lips it is as expressive as any instrument can be.

Peace and music,

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