[Harp-L] SOPHISTICATED LADY on a Midi Harmonica and NEW Chord harp tuning!

Shirley, John John_Shirley@xxxxx
Thu Oct 12 11:48:35 EDT 2017

Loading new tunings on the fly from a computer, phone or tablet in a live performance setting is really only necessary when the 12 tunings that can be stored in the DM48 are not enough. It should also be noted that these 12 can be transposed to any pitch level (making for around 1000 options using only the internal memory of the DM48).

Really, I think having all possible keys (or pitch levels) of 12 different tunings will probably be enough for most players, especially in a live setting. What percentage of players use harmonicas in more than 12 different tuning formats on a single live gig? And how many of those would need more before they would get a breather?

Anyway, my "under a minute" statement about how long it takes to upload a new tuning wasn't really a measure of how quickly it can be done for a live situation; it was both purposefully open and quite conservative. For me (with my particular setup) I can consistently do it in 10-15 seconds and be ready to play the next tune. I think with a little prep and practice this could be achieved consistently by others as well, using the majority of setups.

- John

John Shirley, Professor of Music
UMass Lowell

On Oct 12, 2017, at 8:36 AM, Richard Hunter <rhunter377 at xxxxx<mailto:rhunter377 at xxxxx>> wrote:

I appreciate that storing tuning setups on the computer is a great way to back stuff up, and offers lots of possibilities for the studio in particular.  On stage, it's not a given that a player has time to load in a new tuning--"under a minute" is a lot of time when the drummer is counting off the next song.

In other words, onboard memories for tunings matter. I keep 50 slots for song-specific setups on my Digitech RP500. It's fast and easy to load new patches into the device from computer, but I certainly wouldn't plan on doing so during a performance.  Too many potential slips 'twixt that particular cup and lip.

regards, Richard Hunter

On Wed, Oct 11, 2017 at 2:22 PM, Shirley, John <John_Shirley at xxxxx<mailto:John_Shirley at xxxxx>> wrote:
You can also save and edit tunings in any midi sequencer (included with most recording software). These tunings can be quickly  uploaded (under a minute) to the DM48 from the computer or phone, so there's practically no limit to the tunings that can be stored and ready to go!

- John

Dr. John Shirley, Professor
Department of Music
The University of Massachusetts Lowell

> On Oct 11, 2017, at 11:07 AM, Michael Rubin <michaelrubinharmonica at xxxxx<mailto:michaelrubinharmonica at xxxxx>> wrote:
> Richard,
> You are correct.  There are 10 tunings that can be saved on the
> instrument.  Although I haven't looked into it I believe you can save more
> on the website.
> This would enable you to pick a specific voicing for the song as you are
> enabled to put the notes in whatever order you wish but also choose the
> octave of the particular note.
> However,It may be a challenging endeavor as there are only 12 holes on the
> harp.  Let's say each chord has 4 notes.  You can type in 3 blow chord,3
> draw chords, 3 when button one is pushed while blowing and 3 while button
> one is pushed by drawing.  Then you can set up the other two buttons to
> create other key versions of the built in chords.  So if you song had 12
> chord types, this is doable.  Or like me, you can  have two chords that
> share chord tones built in next to one another.
> So far my tuning has been pretty hard to stump as I play through the real
> books.
> Michael
> On Wed, Oct 11, 2017 at 9:54 AM, Richard Hunter <rhunter377 at xxxxx<mailto:rhunter377 at xxxxx>>
> wrote:
>> Michael Rubin wrote:
>> <Be clear I am not saying any of this is BETTER than what the keyboardist
>> <can do.  It is just different.  I agree with you that the different
>> <voicings on a keyboard are a great advantage.  For a simple song with just
>> <a few chords, different voicings could be programmed into the WILD chords.
>> <
>> <Finally, there is the novelty of the instrument.  WHen I perform with my
>> <DM48, I am bombarded by audience members after the show wanting to discuss
>> <it.  The keyboard has lost its shine in that respect.
>> Thanks Michael for the detailed response.  One minor technical correction:
>> vibrato is usually controlled on a keyboard using a wheel, ribbon, or
>> rotary controller that can send a range of values to the vibrato circuit.
>> So it's not simply on/off.
>> It occurred to me while I read your notes that one could set up different
>> chord structures in the DM-48 corresponding directly to different songs, as
>> opposed to using a general layout that's applicable to a range of songs.
>> Is that correct?  How many different memories for tuning layouts can be
>> stored in the DM-48?
>> thanks, Richard Hunter
>> --
>> Check out our 21st Century rock harmonica record "The Lucky One" at
>> https://www.cdbaby.com/cd/richardhunter<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.cdbaby.com_cd_richardhunter&d=DwMFaQ&c=lqHimbpwJeF7VTDNof4ddl8H-RbXeAdbMI2MFE1TXqA&r=B1GwiLT-Zt1KywUIAUsabra_vHLutl-s8Zr7tiZjwOk&m=5mIpOQucFGUuDoOFQGwtYy1Xoo7HU5lliwgLOlqI9NY&s=hCPZpfRtG--I9-1cMIhQvhDxoPAMDpURmgYfTUN8n1Y&e=>
>> Author, "Jazz Harp" (Oak Publications, NYC)
>> Latest mp3s and harmonica blog at http://hunterharp.com<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__hunterharp.com&d=DwMFaQ&c=lqHimbpwJeF7VTDNof4ddl8H-RbXeAdbMI2MFE1TXqA&r=B1GwiLT-Zt1KywUIAUsabra_vHLutl-s8Zr7tiZjwOk&m=5mIpOQucFGUuDoOFQGwtYy1Xoo7HU5lliwgLOlqI9NY&s=F54C5fCdxQKoTh75cJGwgqjXSwGESzEAd8XB5CSTmN4&e=>
>> Vids at http://www.youtube.com/user/lightninrick<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.youtube.com_user_lightninrick&d=DwMFaQ&c=lqHimbpwJeF7VTDNof4ddl8H-RbXeAdbMI2MFE1TXqA&r=B1GwiLT-Zt1KywUIAUsabra_vHLutl-s8Zr7tiZjwOk&m=5mIpOQucFGUuDoOFQGwtYy1Xoo7HU5lliwgLOlqI9NY&s=lehOhinrvts0UaSM9doKcvZtmm_7BiYMNQnJ6zlA4Sw&e=>
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Check out our 21st Century rock harmonica record "The Lucky One" at https://www.cdbaby.com/cd/richardhunter<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.cdbaby.com_cd_richardhunter&d=DwMFaQ&c=lqHimbpwJeF7VTDNof4ddl8H-RbXeAdbMI2MFE1TXqA&r=B1GwiLT-Zt1KywUIAUsabra_vHLutl-s8Zr7tiZjwOk&m=5mIpOQucFGUuDoOFQGwtYy1Xoo7HU5lliwgLOlqI9NY&s=hCPZpfRtG--I9-1cMIhQvhDxoPAMDpURmgYfTUN8n1Y&e=>

Author, "Jazz Harp" (Oak Publications, NYC)
Latest mp3s and harmonica blog at http://hunterharp.com<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__hunterharp.com_&d=DwMFaQ&c=lqHimbpwJeF7VTDNof4ddl8H-RbXeAdbMI2MFE1TXqA&r=B1GwiLT-Zt1KywUIAUsabra_vHLutl-s8Zr7tiZjwOk&m=5mIpOQucFGUuDoOFQGwtYy1Xoo7HU5lliwgLOlqI9NY&s=e6OEdlbwi1JBCUNJ5zQ--_an1yk45KM02DKZIa0Xhwg&e=>
Vids at http://www.youtube.com/user/lightninrick<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.youtube.com_user_lightninrick&d=DwMFaQ&c=lqHimbpwJeF7VTDNof4ddl8H-RbXeAdbMI2MFE1TXqA&r=B1GwiLT-Zt1KywUIAUsabra_vHLutl-s8Zr7tiZjwOk&m=5mIpOQucFGUuDoOFQGwtYy1Xoo7HU5lliwgLOlqI9NY&s=lehOhinrvts0UaSM9doKcvZtmm_7BiYMNQnJ6zlA4Sw&e=>
Twitter: @lightninrick­­­‪­‪­­­‪‪­­‪­‪­‪­­­­‪­­‪‪‪­‪‪­­­‪­‪­­­­‪‪­­‪­‪­­­­

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