[Harp-L] Diminished tuning

Chesper Nevins chespernevins@xxxxx
Wed Jun 28 10:31:30 EDT 2017

Yes, totally agree, Eugene.

I think, if I recall, that I've heard Brendan P. vamp on the minor chords
on this layout. so it's not a stretch to focus on the (dorian) minor aspect
of it.

I think, when I get my DM-48 someday, the PC layout will be on my short
list of layouts to add.

On Tue, Jun 27, 2017 at 6:10 AM, Eugene Ryan <ryan.eugene at xxxxx> wrote:

> I guess what Jason is also talking about here is the first two holes of
> dimi is the same as power chromatic (if starting on the A so it gives you a
> m7th chord from first hole up A C E G)  / dorian, then for the next two the
> notes are the same if you hold in the slide. So it has some similarities in
> terms of breath patterns and bending abilities.. but different in terms of
> chords, "keyness" (ability to play in key without touching the slide) and
> regular patterns/transposition/MOLT - and, as you say, enharmonics in
> different places. I understand Ed would use a few keyed harmonicas and play
> them in multiple keys... I haven't spoken to him in quite a while.
> Both layouts/tunings are very good for expressive possibilities.
> On Tue, Jun 27, 2017 at 2:31 AM, <gnarlyheman at xxxxx> wrote:
>> But the min7 is 1 b3 5 b7 and the dimi is 1 b3 b5 bb7--
>> So half the harp is tuned dimi, the first two holes, but then the other
>> half is funky!
>> Gary
>> > On Jun 26, 2017, at 6:19 PM, chespernevins at xxxxx wrote:
>> >
>> > True and I suppose that is significant.  I agree with you.
>> >
>> > If I have the layouts correct, I was thinking of the fact that all
>> blow/draw note combos are a whole step.  Also that the layouts are both
>> made up of two Dorian tetrachords.  Also that there are 4 enharmonics found
>> on each.  One has min7 chords a whole step apart and one dim7 chords a
>> whole step apart.  Some interesting parallels.
>> >
>> >> On Jun 26, 2017, at 8:51 PM, gnarlyheman at xxxxx wrote:
>> >>
>> >> I don't see that there is a correlation. Dimi is MOLT, every hole is
>> like hole 1.
>> >> But Power Chromatic, although it has 4 enharmonics and 4 notes per
>> hole, is based on major chords, so the enharmonics are scattered.
>> >>
>> >> Gary
>> >>
>> >>> On Jun 26, 2017, at 4:41 PM, chespernevins at xxxxx wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>> Very similar to dimi in many ways. Do you guys agree?
>> >>>
>> >>>> On Jun 26, 2017, at 6:20 PM, Gary Lehmann <gnarlyheman at xxxxx>
>> wrote:
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Ed Coogan is using F6/G6, the slide version of Brendan Power's Power
>> Chromatic, but starting on A (IIRC).
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Sent from my iPhone
>> >>>>>
> --
> Eugene

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