[Harp-L] Yonberg harp

Edward Hart hooligan6a@xxxxx
Sun Dec 24 07:24:37 EST 2017

After playing this harp for a few days, I would like to add to my comments on the Yonberg harp. The mouthpiece holes appear to be a tiny bit larger then the Marine Band, about the same as Seydel’s, some may not like it but for me, this makes it easier to hit a note.  The covers are the strongest of any harp I have seen.They are strong and stiff, very inflexible.  I think you could run them over with a truck and it would not crush them. This coupled with the stainless steel reeds. these harps should last forever. However, I play Power benders, so the only downside for me is, as of now, they don’t come in special tunings. If Yonberg would come out with other tunings, I think this is as near to the perfect harp as you can get. 

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