Re: [Harp-L] Re: Living Pro Chromatic player list

I didn't leave out anyone on purpose, I just don't remember everyone
or know everyone's names.  Of course, there are plenty of Asian
chromatic players.  Let's name them.

To me, a pro is someone who plays at a high level.  There are lots of
people who have day jobs and rarely perform, but when they do, it's
great music.

I hold high respect for those who earn their living by performance and
recording alone.  I would call them full time musicians.  I used to
make a living by performing and recording alone, now I teach music as
well.  I still call myself a full time musician, but perhaps I am
stretching the definition to feel good.
Michael Rubin

On Mon, Jul 12, 2010 at 7:26 PM,  <BluzeHarp@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Michael, you left out all of the great Asian players... think  SPAH 2009
> for a terrific example.
> Likely there's several other pro chromo players on the staffs at  Suzuki,
> Herring, Huang, Sydell etc...  Nic 'Cottonseed' Clark has been  working at
> that as well, blues but not just on a C in 3rd  position.  Maybe can't call
> him a 'Professional' yet (just 15 & living  with his parents), but no doubt
> that's coming soon, certainly much more than  lurker or amateur status for
> that lad.
> Not knocking your list, it's full of great working players,  that plus the
> mention of Nic brings up an interesting  question:  What is the definition
> of a Professional?
> Can you have amateur level chops + fame and still be regarded as a pro
> harmonicist?  Can you have a day job that pays most of the bills & be  regarded
> as a "Pro"?  Do you have to sell x amount of CD's or publish  a book?  Does
> the type of music or instrument you play have a  role?  Do you need to
> dress in something other than an old pair of shorts  & a stretched out t-shirt?
> (just saw that at a festival I played in a  couple days ago... cringe)
> I'd like to know what the list members think about what  constitutes being
> a "Professional" harmonica player.
> BTW, the word 'harmonicist' just got flagged by my spell check...  grrrr
> Christopher Richards
> Twin Tone Harmonica Microphones
> In a message dated 7/12/2010 1:58:58 P.M. Mountain Daylight  Time, Michael
> Rubin writes:
> Living Pro Chromatic player list
> I  was thinking about it and I really could not come up with that  many
> people.  Let's try and form a list and feel free to add yourself  to
> it.  I recommend leaving out the D blues players unless they have  a
> special ability to sound advanced, for example, WIlson or Oscher.
> Also,  please correct my spelling.
> In no particular order:
> Stevie  Wonder
> Toots Thielemans
> Tom Stryker
> Charles Spranklin
> Phil  Caltabaletta
> Bud Boblink
> Tommy Morgan
> Bill Barrett
> Randy  Weinstein
> Randy Singer
> Rob Paparozzi
> Madcat Ruth
> Brendan  Power
> Michael Rubin
> Kim Wilson
> Rick Estrin
> Rod Piazza
> Slim  Heilpern
> Paul Oscher
> Hendrik Meurkins
> Gregoire Moiret
> Joe  Leone
> Dennis Greunling
> Jason Ricci
> Michael Peloquin
> Jellyroll  Johnson
> Willi Burger
> Robert Bonfiglio
> Clint Hoover
> Winslow  Yerxa
> William Galison
> Johnny Sansone
> There must be hundreds more,  but I got just over 30.
> Michael  Rubin

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