[Harp-L] Re: Dumping on other harmonica players' videos POLICY CHANGE!

While this is generally not a topic for the harp-l list at large because
it is not at all on topic and a meta discussion I think the reason it is
being discussed is because of a cultural shift of sorts.  3 years ago I
could count on one hand the number of linked to videos that would be
posted to harp-l in a week.  Nowadays it's more like one hand might cover
an hour.

So what's the official policy?  I think generally speaking it is post
videos of interest with direct relevance to our topic, all things
harmonica.  Post videos to illustrate a point, see this is what I'm
talking about.  Don't make fun of people or mock them.  Sure professional
players are semi fair game but some duffer who sticks up a video you might
think has flaws, let it alone.  There isn't any point in it.  Publishing a
video to the internet does not make it fair game for a harp-l discussion. 
While there ar venues for this type of discussion, forums perhaps, I'm
going to say that at harp-l we will err on the side of politeness.  So
don't be evil, play nice and remember that bumper sticker about mean

This ends the public portion of this discussion.  As usual I'm happy to
continue the discussion offlist.  You can write me at the above address
with any concerns or comments you may have.


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