Re: [Harp-L] Let's Bash Bush

Daniel Bernard wrote:
<Sorry guys, I just don't think there is any forum in the world where <Bush bashing should be prohibited, including this one.


I don't come to Harp-L to find out how anyone thinks about politics, religion, dope, television, guns, sex, economic theories, evolution, or anything else besides making music on the harmonica. I can find people easily who agree or disagree vehemently with my own opinions on all that other stuff and more, anytime I want, in lots of places, but there are damn few places in the world where I can get my fill every day of intelligent discussion about the harmonica, and NONE where the participants are as smart about harmonica as they are on Harp-L.

I support any and all efforts by the list owner to keep non-harmonica related topics out of Harp-L, up to and including ejection from the list of people who can't stop themselves from doing otherwise. I hope that's never necessary, of course.

Regards, Richard Hunter
harmonica blog at
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