Re: [Harp-L] virtuoso (vs crap?)-FINAL WORD

I'd like to apologize to Robert and to the list for the way I worded my original response to his post. I sort of meant a lot of what I said, but I should have spoken more generically. I'm a computer scientist and I have been with computers for far too long. Thats not an excuse, just a lousy explanation.

I have great respect for anyone who dedicate themselves to music. Musicians work for peanuts and get little recognition.When I responded to Robert, I felt he was bashing some of my heroes and friends and I didn't think he had a right to look down on them because he is more dedicated, but maybe he has earned the right to.

I thank everybody on both sides for their great posts including Frank. I thank Chris for the wording of his initial post, the thumbs down and tongue sticking out at me was a great way of showing his discontent - very classy. Big thanks to Winslow who I thought would roast me and never speak to me again.

Thanks again for your all your insights. The list is great, long live the list!


PS: Ah tabernacle! j'ai oubliƩ de mettre le poulet dans le four *%$#%#$?$!!.
(Excuse my QuƩbecois)

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