[Harp-L] Harmonica Audio Recorder!!! YouTube

Ronnie Schreiber autothreads@xxxxx
Fri Apr 23 14:21:10 EDT 2021

It's kind of cool, but nothing you can't reproduce with existing looper 
and pitch shifting pedals.

Also, after six years of hearing people tell me that the Harmonicaster 
is too big and bulky, it amuses me to see someone playing a big 
rectangular box that covers most of their face.

Regarding Brendan, agreed, he's incredibly clever and he's also a big 
mensch. He came up with a suggestion to address an issue I was having 
with the Harmonicaster and when I offered to pay him a royalty for his 
idea he demurred, saying if it made it possible for my invention to 
work, he was happy with that. He's always graciously let me pick his 
brains and has always been encouraging, even when offering constructive 

Ronnie Schreiber
The Electric Harmonica Co.

Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2021 01:21:32 -0400

> From: Randy Singer<randy at xxxxx>
> To:"harp-l at xxxxx"  <harp-l at xxxxx>
> Cc: Brendan Power<bren at xxxxx>, Iceman<IcemanLE at xxxxx>
> Subject: [Harp-L] Harmonica Audio Recorder!!! YouTube
> Message-ID:<F86D5CE0-A619-4291-A2CB-83E5BF8C41DA at xxxxx>
> Content-Type: text/plain;	charset=us-ascii
> What an incredible new harmonica invention!!!!!!!!!!
> What will they think of next??
> I am gonna buy one!!
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noLIwwBwZJM  <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noLIwwBwZJM>
> Ps, Brendan will probably want to make them!!! Brenden=Genius.

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