[Harp-L] Stevie Wonder FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE

Richard Hunter rhunter377@xxxxx
Wed Sep 23 09:57:22 EDT 2020

Brian Irving wrote: So, has anybody posted the tab in F# on a C chromatic?

My book "Jazz Harp" (Oak Publications, NYC, 1980) includes a complete
transcription of this solo in standard and arrow notation for C chromatic

If you're not willing to pay for the book, you can of course work it out
for yourself. That's what I did, and I learned a whole lot from a lot of
other musicians by working out their solos note for note.

Thanks, RH

Author, "Jazz Harp" (Oak Publications, NYC)
Latest mp3s and harmonica blog at http://hunterharp.com
Vids at http://www.youtube.com/user/lightninrick
Twitter: @lightninrick­­­‪­‪­­­‪‪­­‪­‪­‪­­­­‪­­‪‪‪­‪‪­­­‪­‪­­­­‪‪­­‪­‪­­­­

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