[Harp-L] Shofu Brownie
Mon May 27 09:52:07 EDT 2019
> On May 26, 2019 at 5:28 PM Ken H in Ohio <airmojoken at xxxxx> wrote:
> I don't think it's so much the price, but the quantity...
Right Ken. Like anything else in life, it all depends what you need to do. A sho-fu
should last a long time. Buying a dozen would leave you with an unnecessarily large
stock. It would be better to buy a 'kit' containing a number of different abraders.
As for the 29 or 30 dollars, that wouldn't even be cab fare for someone like me.
I recently bought a drive gear for my garage door opener. It was $4.95 plus $4.oo for
shipping. What I got were TWO gears and NO shipping..for $9.90. But the opener was 23
years old and so now I have an extra gear. Which will take me to age 99. lolol.
> Curious how long does one Brownie "pointed cylinder" last, for how
> many reed tunes ?
One should last almost forever if used on brass reeds. For stainless you need to use
something else.
> Until the pointed end is mostly gone ?
The pointed end can be re-shaped by running it on a file or sand paper.
> Seems like most of the grit material would be wasted, depending on how
> deep the metal shaft goes into the polishing end.
Actually most of ANYthing is wasted. The wife and daughter use 3,000 gal. of water each
month. When I lived on a house barge I used less than 300. lolol. ( yes I DID bathe . :)
> I have yet to try one, but would be willing to try them.. I usually
> use sanding wands, or a diamond tip micro engraver.
Then you don't really need one. I have had abraders I never used. I prefer a file and wands.
> But I'm pretty easy on my harps, which are mainly the Seydel 1847
> stainless steel reeds, and have not had to really do any re-tuning.
I haven't as yet needed to re-tune a steel reed. I HAVE made reeds from Wilkinson Sword
ss razor blades, bullet casings, and electrical brass pieces.
> Most of my reed tuning involves an alternate tuning, like paddy
> richter or county-tuning on extra harps that I have accumulated over
> the years.
> Ken H in OH
> On Sun, May 26, 2019 at 10:34 AM info <info at xxxxx> wrote:
> >
> > This is what you need.https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F172742103562They cost $26.95 for a dozen (free shipping if you live in the US), which will last a long time. Are you guys really sweating bullets over $26.95?Tom Halchak www.bluemoonharmonicas.com
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