[Harp-L] Hohner Tremolo Tuning - What should I try to tune the Intervals?

Steve moorcot@xxxxx
Fri Jan 5 05:58:16 EST 2018

I've just reread my post as well as Pat's site and thought I should add a caveat in order to not sow confusion. Pat says on his site that tremolos are typically tuned with the note in the top hole at foundation pitch and the note in the bottom hole slightly sharp. My experience with tremolos is far more limited than his, knowing as I do only Hohner Echos and Tombo Bands. In both those cases I've found that the setup is actually the other way round, with the slightly sharp note in the top hole. Before getting to work on any tremolo I'd be working out initially which way round the original setup was, so as to avoid a huge amount of unnecessary tinkering...

Steve Shaw

> On 5 Jan 2018, at 01:40, Steve <moorcot at xxxxx> wrote:
> Dunno whether I'm right or wrong here, but I've always aimed to get the bottom reed to  A440 ( though 441 or even getting to 442 never did me no harm...I was never going to go too much against the existing tuning of the darn thing) and the top reed, tuned a bit sharper, to a tremolo that I like the sound of. I'm talking equal temperament here. Tombos seem to be tuned that way, but not necessarily Hohners... I think the thing is not to get too theoretical about the tremolo but to get the sound you want, having got the bottom reeds in tune so that you can at least join in with other musicians. The degree of tremolo is kind of important but it's more a matter of taste than a matter of theory. And the blasted thing will soon go out of tune and need fixing anyway!
> Steve Shaw
> On 4 Jan 2018, at 11:59, Wilbur Euler <dubyail at xxxxx<mailto:dubyail at xxxxx>> wrote:
> I would go to Pat Missin?s site. He explains double reed harmonicas and how they?re set-up. There?s a lot of good articles there.

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