[Harp-L] Suzuki Manji--comes in Double Country, darned close to Melody Maker

Gary Lehmann gnarlyheman@xxxxx
Fri Mar 24 12:09:17 EDT 2017

Right, what Richard is observing is the opposite of what I am offering--but
hey, at least he is shedding some light on what this "X7" tuning is--
As he points out, Double Country "C" and standard C
are actually in the same key, just named differently according to the key
in 2nd or 1st position respectively.
But of course, it's much easier to get the F# on an instrument that has a
reed (two, right?) actually tuned to it.
That F# makes playing in the key of G (second position) more appropriate
for major melodies. I hate it when the b7 (F) is included in a melody and
it doesn't belong--try Over the Rainbow in 2nd . . .

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