[Harp-L] Nominate someone for a SPAH award (deadline June 30)

Richard Hunter rhunter377@xxxxx
Thu Jun 22 13:15:31 EDT 2017

Hi Winslow,

I used the word "secret" because a nomination that is not announced
publicly is in effect a secret beyond the small circle of people who know
who was nominated. No skullduggery is implied; my intention was to be
accurate, not pejorative.

"Once I have all the nominations in hand, I could post something on the web
and announce the location on the various forums, just as I'm presently
doing to stimulate nominations."

And that is in effect the sum of my recommendation.

Thanks, RH

On Thu, Jun 22, 2017 at 1:04 PM, Winslow Yerxa <winslowyerxa at xxxxx>

> Richard - why do you talk about secrets?
> This implies some sort of skullduggery, and I assure you that there is
> none. When I took charge of the SPAH awards process in 2010, I clarified
> rules and procedures and dissemination of information to SPAH members to
> strengthen the consistency, integrity, and fairness of the process and to
> widen the field of candidates.
> I also undertook a publicity effort, in progress right now for this year's
> awards, to remind members to make nominations, and to perhaps stimulate
> interest in SPAH among non-members. (For a brief overview of SPAH, check
> out http://www.spah.org/content.asp?contentid=16
> All SPAH members are encouraged to nominate candidates for SPAH awards.
> Anyone can examine the awards packet, which includes the rules,
> requirements, and procedures for each award, lists previous recipients (who
> are not eligible to receive the same award twice), and includes nomination
> forms (which you don't need to use; they're just for convenience) at
> http://www.spah.org/Files/Convention%20awards.pdf
> In 2016, we made the list of nominees public, via announcements at the
> ceremony, with a brief description of the virtues of each nominee. That
> proved cumbersome during a long evening, and perhaps there's a better way
> to do it. Once I have all the nominations in hand, I could post something
> on the web and announce the location on the various forums, just as I'm
> presently doing to stimulate nominations.
> Winslow Yerxa
> Producer, the Harmonica Collective
> Author, Harmonica For Dummies, Second Edition: ISBN 978-1-118-88076-0
>             Harmonica Basics For Dummies, ASIN B005KIYPFS
>             Blues Harmonica For Dummies, ISBN 978-1-1182-5269-7
> Resident Expert, bluesharmonica.com
> Instructor, Jazzschool Community Music School
> President emeritus, SPAH, the Society for the Preservation and Advancement
> of the Harmonica
> ________________________________
> From: Richard Hunter <rhunter377 at xxxxx>
> To: "harp-l at xxxxx" <harp-l at xxxxx>
> Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2017 3:46 AM
> Subject: Re: [Harp-L] Nominate someone for a SPAH award (deadline June 30)
> Winslow Yerxa wrote:
> <Who deserved the honor of a SPAH award in 2017?
> Winslow, does SPAH plan to make nominations public this year, which in my
> humble opinion is an appropriate way to help fulfill SPAH's mission to
> "promote" the harmonica?
> If there's a reason why not, please advise.  I admit that I can't see a
> reason why nominations should not be public and nominees not celebrated.  I
> see that publicizing nominations and celebrating nominees does some good
> for all involved; I scratch my head when it comes to understanding what
> harms are prevented by keeping the whole thing a secret.
> Regards, Richard Hunter
> --
> Check out our 21st Century rock harmonica record "The Lucky One" at
> https://www.cdbaby.com/cd/richardhunter
> Author, "Jazz Harp" (Oak Publications, NYC)
> Latest mp3s and harmonica blog at http://hunterharp.com
> Vids at http://www.youtube.com/user/lightninrick
> Twitter: @lightninrick­­­‪­‪­­­‪‪­­‪­‪­‪­­­­‪­­‪‪‪­‪‪­­­‪­‪­­­­‪‪­­‪­‪­­­­

Check out our 21st Century rock harmonica record "The Lucky One" at

Author, "Jazz Harp" (Oak Publications, NYC)
Latest mp3s and harmonica blog at http://hunterharp.com
Vids at http://www.youtube.com/user/lightninrick
Twitter: @lightninrick­­­‪­‪­­­‪‪­­‪­‪­‪­­­­‪­­‪‪‪­‪‪­­­‪­‪­­­­‪‪­­‪­‪­­­­

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