[Harp-L] Re: first gig memories

I should mention that I do own a Shure green bullet mic but because of
coming on after another band and some stressful equipment changes/timing we
never set me up properly but lesson learned because it's hard to hear... We
figured it out for the next show... And I just bought the bullet mic holder
to attach to mic stands which will help have me set up between songs that
I'm not playing in...


On Saturday, 27 February 2016, ian osborn <davidianosborn@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> hello fellow harpsters...
> wanted to share a small story on my first live gig last summer...as well
> as a link to my debut..
> I've always been a "part time" harmonica player since my teens, never
> really practicing for any more than a half an hour here and there, for
> years or decades now i guess LOL...
> i have close friends who have a band, that was very consistent in playing
> gigs during the 90's around Vancouver (our college years/20's) who then
> went their separate ways musically for a long time- people moving to
> different countries, different cities, jobs, families, etc.. all those
> things that break up bands...
> until about 5 years ago... they decided to get together once a year for a
> reunion gig, no matter where everyone was living...
> i always hung out and helped move gear, set up, did some introductions and
> MC work for some of their shows, helped with sound and lighting, just
> generally hung around...
> until last year, when i asked to play a few songs... well, they found a
> few for me that i could play, and i practiced a bit, and this is the
> result... we played two shows, and this was the first time on stage with
> them...
> happy to say, these friends i have shared memories with for 20+ years, and
> this year's reunion gig i am playing quite a few songs and will periscope
> some of our gig and practices...
> thanks for letting me share- here is a link... great venue called the
> Queens Hotel, in Nanaimo BC.
> https://youtu.be/J4-IrddDiuA
> Ian

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