Thanks for that terrific link, John. Very high quality audio and video
close-ups of a rare acoustic Popper.
I had seen the first part with him playing "Runaround," probably my
favorite Blues Traveler song, but I hadn't seen the second song (the
name of which I do not know -- I'll call it the "Train" song). Having
listened to "Runaround" a thousand times or so I was more impressed with
his "Train" song in which he really lets go with his pyrotechnic playing
style. What I found particularly interesting were the close-ups of him
playing (9:00 - 10:20), which you almost never see as most other videos
I've seen are taken from a distance with him on a big stage. I loved
watching all the things he does with his face, mouth and jaw and
breathing. They are all orchestrated in constant motion of one kind or
another. I noticed a heavy reliance on "jaw flicks," which it seems many
really fast players use, but I had never seen Popper doing it.
Even if you don't care for his playing style, this high-quality video
sequence of him with a single unseen guitar player in an acoustic
setting offers a rare opportunity to gain insights into a great player's
unique style.