[Harp-L] forum etc, META

Ok, I'm putting my foot down.  Stop and stop now.  If you have questions
regarding using the google group interface to post on harp-l or how you
might join please write me here at owner-harp-l@xxxxxxxxxx  If you want to
talk about the merits of various internet topical discussion formats DO
NOT discuss them here on harp-l.  If discussing the meta of harp-l., how
it's run what you might like, forums vs e-mail and you want a venue you
are invited to join harp-l-meta-discussions the google group which is not
the harp-l google group that exists as a mirror of the regular harp-l. 
This topic needs to just stop and stop now.  ALL THINGS HARMONICA, that's
our topic.  Please post within that VERY liberal and broad guideline. 

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