Bart gives you such an excellent answer and there´s no need to elaborate
on that, but my impression re: Mickey R is that he never plays outside 2
pos. (Disregarding special tuned harps -- but arn´t they as well modified
versions of 2 pos?)
There´s a fairly recent album out with Willie and Wynton Marsalis
playing Ray Charles tunes and Mickey takes several solos and from what I
recollect off the top of my head he did´nt stray outside 2 pos for a
tune -- even when it would have been rather comfortable to do so (the
stuff, "Hit the road Jack" etc).
It surprised me some -- but he ain´t alone in this firm proclivity.
> Just wondering, is country harmonica played more in 1st position?
> Does Mickey Raphael use 1st often?
> What about 3rd position?