Re: [Harp-L] A tipping point for used Digitech RP prices?

When you're internationally known, it is a lot easier to get a good back 
line when needed.  You also generally have access to a solid combo of mics 
as well.  In addition, you are using a lot of different PA's if you're 
playing big stages - can't always guarantee enough mixes, etc.  On the 
other end, there aren't many blues acts playing really big stages even 
compared to cover bands...Most players probably put a ton of money into 
gear, but NOT good PA gear.  There are a few like MadCat and Billy Branch 
who haven't relied on tubes alone - and some that use tube-based gear that 
emulates an amp. You also have to factor in the basic psychology of playing 
blues harmonica nowadays. 

Harmonica is a small sample size, but there are many a guitar player who 
have forgone lugging a traditional amp in lieu of other options.  What 
makes this less viable with harmonica is the fact that is isn't meant for 
harmonica.  Granted, most amps aren't either, but you can often modify 
those easier than some of the digital gear out there.  The fact that 
harmonica can cause feedback adds a variable to the equation that can be 
very hard to control.  For example, my main rig for the last three years 
has been mic to pedal to powered speaker.  While very handy with a small 
footprint, as I also sing, the cost of said rig is similar to that of a 
dedicated harp amp.  The benefit to me being I don't have to lug an amp.

Personally, after trying a lot of stuff, I like the analog amp emulators 
from Tech 21 the best.  I also really like the HarpBreak from LoneWolf. 
 Most the time, though, I just play straight to the PA sans any pedals.  I 
do usually prefer specific mics and still cup the mic (SM58 or SM57), 

Bottom line, though, is on a decent stage 99% of people in the audience 
don't care and can't tell the fact, many of those who do 
have a preference will prefer the non-amp route assuming the FOH mix is 
more balanced than relying on amps for FOH volume.  At least, that has been 
my experience.

If I toured and had the ability to always sound check and set up early, I'd 
totally go the amp route.  I don't, though, and I have a a great level of 
tone control from stage in an ultra small footprint that sounds great, is 
very diverse, and very easy to work with relative to others.

On Tuesday, September 3, 2013 6:46:26 PM UTC-5, gheumann wrote:
> Hi, Bob 
> I suspect you'll hear opinions to the contrary but I have played both. The 
> RP is a wonderful way not to have to carry an amp. But an RP (or ANY amp 
> modeler) and a PA is no substitute for a good tube amp like an SJ. They 
> just don't sound the same. The "real thing" is smoother, fatter, warmer, 
> bigger and WAY easier to hear on stage without feedback issues. Modern PA's 
> don't have tubes - everything in their design is about making clean sound. 
> So you use the pedal to manufacture digital simulations of tube distortion, 
> speaker distortion, speaker cabinet resonanceâ..and then hope the PA 
> reproduces them accurately. But they were still digital simulations to 
> begin with. Some day I'll be too old to lift my tube amp. But I ain't there 
> yet!!! 
> There's probably a reason that the vast majority of the most famous blues 
> players still haul real tube amps to their gigs. (I'm saying vast majority 
> to allow the possibility, but I can't think of a single internationally 
> known blues harp artist who uses an amp modeler through a PA.) 
> /Greg 
> > From: Bob Cohen <b...@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <javascript:>> 
> > Subject: Re: [Harp-L] A tipping point for used Digitech RP prices? 
> > Date: September 3, 2013 11:21:08 AM PDT 
> > To: Richard Hunter <turtl...@xxxxxxxxxxxxx <javascript:>>, 
> har...@xxxxxxxxxx <javascript:> 
> > 
> > 
> > On Aug 30, 2013, at 6:20 PM, Richard Hunter <turtl...@xxxxxxxxxxxxx<javascript:>> 
> wrote: 
> > 
> >> I check prices for used Digitech RP devices on every 
> once in a while, and I've noticed recently that a lot of RPs are showing up 
> there in good-to-very-good condition at prices 50% or less of new.  I 
> > 
> > Sounds intriguing. Sorry in advance for the dumb questions but can you 
> run the RPs through the PA with no amp? How does the amp modeling do with 
> the boutique harp amps like the Sonny Jr series? 
> > 

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