Re: [Harp-L] Suck the moisture from your harmonica

On Oct 18, 2013, at 8:03 PM, BluzeHarp@xxxxxxx wrote:

> Instructions from various brands of harmonicas tell players to tap out  
> their instruments before putting them away, this is to get your saliva and  
> other assorted gunk off the reeds & valves.  It's also a health thing,  a drier 
> instrument isn't as much of a breeding ground for all those nasty  little 
> organisms.  
> I recommend this instead:  Tap the harp, then take a  couple quick passes 
> up and down the mouthpiece inhaling through all  the single holes, and then 
> tap it again.


>  The inhaled air across  the reeds will dry things much more 
> thoroughly than tapping alone.

Right, as the outside ambient air is a lot drier than your breath. 

>   Do not exhale during this process, and pull 
> the harp  well away from your lips before you cease to inhale.  The  second 
> tap will help keep valves from becoming stuck.  This  technique is especially 
> useful if you have to put a 'wet' harp into a  closed case right after a 
> gig.

Ok, I don't close them up that tight. I use a modified clarinet case. The top tray holds 15-18 diatonics. The bottom section will carry 7 chromatics (I carry 4). 
Sometimes I place a half toothpick in the slide of the chromatics. That way IF it does stick a bit, it won't stick really solid. Then I can 'rock' the slide back and 
forth and it will come free more easily. 

Sometimes I spray Lysol at the harps. I also carry 3 former eyedrops bottles. One each of: water (white cap), valve oil (yellow cap), alcohol (orange cap). 
Sometimes, if a slide gets sluggish I will pick one..or a combination, to free everything up. Then cleanup takes place at home..later.

When I buy a harmonica, I Simonize it. And I keep them wiped down at a gig with a moist drink napkin. Tapping a harmonica in the hand holes down will remove
moisture, Tapping the SIDES will dislodge debris because it makes the reeds ring and that shakes things loose. Note: Make sure covers can take it. lolol   
> Is anyone else doing this?  I don't recall  seeing it posted anywhere 
> before. 

I think some people have a pattern they follow and some don't. So people just never thought to talk about it. 
> Christopher Richards

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