Re: [Harp-L] Best Deals Eva and the Harmonicas...

Still, if Suzuki was concerned about unhappy customers with non-warranty
harps, they should have scrapped them, not sold them. Is having them
trickle out of a store front really any different that selling them on

We (as buyers) have no way of knowing any of this, but any preemptive,
informative posts on harp-l would likely be welcome by those that are
interested. It would have been appropriate given that you had already had
"dozens of calls from disappointed customers", and may well have made some
of us think twice before we made the purchase and not after the fact when
that information is considerably less useful.


On Mon, Nov 4, 2013 at 2:39 PM, Dan Hazen <bluesmandan76@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Stinton replied to my post, and explained further - there was a contract
> involved, which Marc's/BestDealsEva has violated. I thanked him for
> explaining it further. I'm sorry to hear that Marc's violated the contract,
> but am very happy to hear that Suzuki is not poaching customers and has not
> committed violations under product liability law!
> Here's his reply to me:
> Dan,
> Just to give you the simplest and most matter-of-fact response to your very
> legitimate concerns:
> Marc's  violated a written contract by posting these items and the prices
> on
> their website. This was supposed to be an in-store promotion only. They
> further violated their basic agreement with Suzuki by NOT making clear on
> their website that these instruments are closeouts being sold as-is, with
> no
> warranty.
> Everyone would have been much better off here if Marc's had held up their
> end of the bargain. They have, however, refused to comply.
> Various restraining orders and litigation may be forthcoming, though
> obviously I am not able to discuss the details of that.
> Please do not consider our response to you as being any sort of
> admonishment
> of you for purchasing your instruments wherever you please. We are simply
> trying to head off any unpleasantness, as we have received dozens of phone
> calls from disappointed customers who bought harmonicas from this dealer,
> only to discover that they are not right and are not covered by our 1-year
> warranty.
> Thank You,
> -Daron Stinton
> (800) 854-1594, ext. 44411
> dstinton@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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