Re: [Harp-L] SUB-30 price in USA

This is funny. I've been quite entertained watching it all go by. Economics happens. Sometimes we are the benefactor and sometimes not. I can think of many, many things, almost all made in China, that we pay far less for in USD than our companions in Europe, Asia, Australia and South America pay in their equivalent currency. I haven't heard anyone complain about that here in the US. I never hear our foreign friends complain that instruments and gear are cheaper here. They just pay what it costs and get on with the business of making music. 

Rockin' Ron charges me what he must to maintain a profitable business. I just pay-n-play. You can't beat Ron's service, an intangible value added to the transaction. I always have my new toys within one or two days, depending on when I call. 


On Oct 25, 2012, at 4:50 PM, philharpn@xxxxxxx wrote:

> How come nobody mentions that quote often attributed to JP Morgan on the subject of a yacht: If you have to ask the price, you probably can't afford it.
> I am not rich and likely never will be. I own a SUB-30 that I purchased at SPAH. I asked how much it cost as I purchased it. "I'll take it. How much?" I really had no idea of the price other than that I wanted one. Mine is not for sale. I like it so far.
> I had no idea all those years that Hohner USA was dictating to the German factory what it would pay for harps that I was getting a better deal than Europeans. I just bought the harps from F & R Farrell for whatever he was selling them for. Elderly Instruments in Lansing, Mich also sold them at a discount. After I discovered these two outlets, I usually gave them my business. But I never showed up at my local music store to complain that it sold harps at list. I could buy or not. 
> Phil
> -----Original MessaI hge-----
> From: Stephen Jennings <harpfixer@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: 'george sanders' <georgegsandman@xxxxxxxxx>; 'mik jagger' <harpomatic@xxxxxxxxx>
> Cc: harp-l <harp-l@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Thu, Oct 25, 2012 3:32 pm
> Subject: RE: [Harp-L] SUB-30 price in USA
> I do find myself smiling at this discussion - I don't recall *any* outcry
> rom the States when US retail for a Hohner harp was the same as UK trade
> rice!! On the other hand, I'm not aware that even Suzuki Europe know yet
> hat the price will be this side of the pond - guess we'll just have to wait
> nd see!!!
> oping to see at least some of you in Bristol this weekend.
> Regards,
> teve Jennings
> -----Original Message-----
> rom: harp-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx [mailto:harp-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf
> f george sanders
> ent: 25 October 2012 5:40 AM
> o: mik jagger
> c: harp-l@xxxxxxxxxx
> ubject: Re: [Harp-L] SUB-30 price in USA
> That means the harp should be costing less than $30 maybe somewhere near the
> rice of a Huang, which as far as I am concerned after being burned on this
> arp(sub 30) is a better buy.
> eorge
> ________________________________
> From: mik jagger <harpomatic@xxxxxxxxx>
> o: "harp-l@xxxxxxxxxx" <harp-l@xxxxxxxxxx>
> ent: Tuesday, October 23, 2012 9:28 PM
> ubject: Re: [Harp-L] SUB-30 price in USA
> ike - the facts are as I described them in our initial discourse on Sub30
> rice - if we signal "we'll pay more" - we will pay more, indeed. Seems
> nwise on our part, the fault is with us, not suzuki. Free market is free
> arket, we do not have same prices for same goods, imposed by a government
> r something of the sort. There is nothing new here. Remember the BS about
> ost of brass, etc - well, here is a fitting illustration.... I propose we
> emand better, as consumers. Real great sub 30 is better be "SUB" $30!
> <The bottom line is, before people freak out, we really should establish
> ll the facts and details. Obviously, as consumers, we want the cheapest
> erchandise we can get, lol.
> ---------
> ike Fugazzi

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