Re: [Harp-L] Best way to play Ashokan Farewell

I play it exactly as you suggest--with the 6 hole overblow. The change in
timbre with
the overblown reed colors and accentuates the flatted seventh--an important
note in this beautiful tune.
Of course, one has to sustain an overblow--with vibrato: but that's a good
reason for spending some time on
developing technique.


On Sun, May 6, 2012 at 10:36 PM, Doug Schroer <dougharps@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Wouldn't the C natural be a flatted 7th on the D scale?  And C# should be
> on the draw 7 hole, with blow 7 hole being the D an octave above the blow 4
> D?   Couldn't you use a 6 hole overblow to get the flatted 7th, C natural?
> Would an experienced overblow player please correct or comment on my
> analysis?  So far I have only used the 6 overblow as a passing note in
> playing blues.  It is kind of exciting to consider using it for a melody.
> I was recently asked if I could play this song and considered learning this
> song, so I am interested in this discussion.  I am not a serious overblow
> player, but can pop the 6 overblow fairly consistently (the 5 fairly well
> and 4 inconsistently, and if that one C natural is the only problematic
> note, it should play fine in first position using a 6 overblow, I think.
> Are there other problem areas?
> Doug S.

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