RE: Ultrasude (and Teflon) Windsaver (Valve) Sources [Was: [Harp-L] Thumb -PT Gazell]
I would think twice about using a commercial floor wax. There may toxins.
Maybe bees wax? I raise bees and use the wax for several things (not harp related) it would probably do the same thing a la natural organic and healthy.
There was another thread on cleaning harps where I saw recommendations on hydrogen peroxide, rubbing alcohol, Bar Keeper's Friend, Comet, Brasso and some others. I have tried a couple of things that left a really bad taste that I can't get out of the harp. Not to mention the bad things one can not tast that might have health risks.
Be careful!
> From: robertpcoble@xxxxxxxxxxx
> To: harp-l@xxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Ultrasude (and Teflon) Windsaver (Valve) Sources [Was: [Harp-L] Thumb -PT Gazell]
> Date: Sun, 29 May 2011 00:42:18 -0400
> Contact Danny G, New Harmonica, (330) 322-9625:
> He sells Vern Smith's CWU (Compressed Waterproofed Ultrasuede) valves. I put them on the low end
> of my Seydel Deluxe and haven't had any problems so far. Danny also has a newer valve, which may
> be even better. I've gotten some but haven't tried them yet.
> Another Vern Smith recommendation is to wax the reed plate on the area that the valve will touch.
> He recommends Johnson's Floor Paste Wax. I did that on the Seydel Deluxe. I'm not sure which is
> more important (CWU valves or waxing the reed plate), but the combination DOES work.
> Teflon valves are available from Ms. Betty Romel, wife of the great Bill Romel. Contact Betty at:
> msbeta_22 a t (Make appropriate substitions to make this a valid email address.)
> I have some of these (and the self-adhesive ones also) but haven't used them yet. I do like the Romel
> self-adhesive valves. No fuss, no mess, just stick in place and snip off the excess from the end. DONE!
> You're ready to play, without having to wait for the adhesive to dry for hours.
> Regards,
> Crazy Bob
> Robert Hale wrote:
> So, if I want to buy ultra suede valves and learn for myself, who do I talk to?
> How did Teflon valves work out?
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