[Harp-L] Re: Embarrassing amp question\Embarrassing tone question

Here is me playing blues through the HG50 and Ultimate 57.  I think
the Pat Ramsey clip below is the sort of sound the band leader is
after (based on the recorded harp featured on his last album).  Pat
used a dynamic mic in a bullet shell with a tweed Princeton and/or



Here is an mp3 of me playing a silverface Vibro Champ with the same
Ultimate 57 and delay pedal as in the YouTube.

http://mikefugazzi.com/files/08 Time for Me to Go.mp3

FWIW, I wouldn't classify the HG50 as a "tweed" amp.  It is sorta
close to a Bassman, but a 4x10 is much different than the typical
small, low-watt tweeds typically associated with harmonica.  I can get
it to break up great, but that volume is typically too loud for most
clubs.  That's why it is perfect for the gigs I normally play.  At the
SPAH blow off it was plenty loud, but again, it wasn't raunchy or
anything.  I used it outdoors prior to that and had it wide open.  It
sounded great, but that volume isn't what I typically use or want the
amp to sound like.

I have the perfect amp/mic combo for club dates with my band.
However, I would want to mix things up in a band that wanted a dirtier
blues tone at very appropriate stage levels.  These guys  I sat in
with had exceptional stage volume.

On Aug 30, 12:53 pm, "Brad Allen" <B...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Just curios Mike, Your HG50 doesn't come under the tweed amp category?
> I understand a different mic & or pedal but isn't your HG a great amp to
> overdrive & or tweak for a dirty or clean sound?
> Bradford Allen
> Martinicow...@xxxxxxx
> B...@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> -----Original Message-----
> From: harp-l-boun...@xxxxxxxxxx [mailto:harp-l-boun...@xxxxxxxxxx] On
> Behalf Of Mike Fugazzi
> Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 7:03 AM
> To: har...@xxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [Harp-L] Re: Embarrassing tone question
> I've received several great responses on and off-list.  I will hold off
> on
> any buying of gear until I am for sure the band will work out for me.  I
> *think* I will look at getting a bullet-style mic from Greg Heumann.
> Option
> 2 would probably be a smaller amp as I could use it to drive the HG and
> for
> rehearsal.
> Thanks!
> ----------
> Mike Fugazzi
> vocals/harmonicahttp://www.mikefugazzi.comhttp://www.facebook.com/MikeFugazziMusic
> On Sat, Aug 28, 2010 at 12:34 AM, Mike Fugazzi
> <mikefuga...@xxxxxxxxx>wrote:
> > I sat in with a band tonight that wants me to play with them formally.
> In
> > talking with the band leader, he commented on really like a typical
> amped
> > harmonica tone.  Specifically mentioning the sound of a bullet and
> tweed
> > amp.
> > The music isn't "blues".  I can't really describe it well, but a lot
> of it
> > is minor chords with jazz changes - would easily be classified as
> rock.  My
> > role would vary from playing Chicago type harp to using the harp to be
> a
> > background vocalist, keyboard, horn, etc.
> > So if I wanted to get a raunchy sound (right now I am using an
> Ultimate 57
> > into a HarpGear HG50), would it make more sense to look at a different
> mic
> > or amp for this gig?  What about a pedal like the Lone Wolf stuff?
> > I know that technique is a huge part of this...I did a lot of tongue
> > blocking tonight,tight cupping, and used the 57 right into the board.
> > Therefore, please do not take the discussion down that road as I know
> what I
> > can do and work on in that area.
> > Also, I am just thinking ahead to what the band leader would want as a
> > formal member of the band.  I am in now way in a rush to drop money on
> > gear.  If it works out, I'd like to invest some gig money into having
> an
> > appropriate rig for this specific group, as my needs are typically a
> cleaner
> > rig that takes pedals.
> > Thanks!
> > ----------
> > Mike Fugazzi
> > vocals/harmonica
> >http://www.mikefugazzi.com
> >http://www.facebook.com/MikeFugazziMusic

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