I've "Gussed" Joe.....glad NOBODY was listening. I wouldn't have met Smokey if wasn't gussing LOLOL.
You couldn't hear him but I had a suspicion that the old fella in the corner had something going on...trying to hide that solid brass and chrome chro special.
Like I say, when I Guss, I am very very discreet. lolol jo-jo
Ron B
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 2009 10:42:40 -0600 From: buzzo@xxxxxxxxxxx
Ive gused the best. I gus Joe Filisko
I gused Paul Butterfield & hemade me play with him on stage.
Cary Bell just got pissed off atme.(At B.L.U.E.S by the way) But we were friends so he let it go.
I want to gus Joe Leone, but he's to good for me to follow. Watch out Joe I'mpracticing.
Next week I'll be gusing at the Garden State Harmonica Fest with some of
my favorite guseeeees..
joe leone wrote:I'm guilty. I once Gussed Savoy Brown. Maybe no one here has ever heard of them?
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