Thanks for the excellently helpful feedback, on and off list!
Motel and meal discounts - no price gouging - check.
Reliable, inexpensive Airport shuttle - check.
Warm welcome - check!
Getting the word out to the right people - check.
Great headline act - tie in - check.
Workshop/s - check.
Cool consolation T-shirt - check.
Prize money - check.
Some of these things are already in place, especially the warm and
appreciative welcome and reasonable prices. Socorro's cool like
that! Everything else, we'll see what we can do.
Two divisions - more suggestions? Bill's right, more than one
division is needed, and more than two seems like too many. Call one
category Pro/Semi-Pro and the other category Amateur? Lots of
'amateurs' out there who are pretty amazing, though.
Harp-L is sponsored by SPAH,