Re: [Harp-L] Fwd: affordable killer harp amp

I've owned a Masco ME-18 harp amp for over a year; gigged it several times;
recorded with it.  It is a jewel of a harp amp.  And yes, they can be had
for a fraction of the cost of one of those boutique harp amps.

Mine was crafted by Harp-L member Jim Rossen.  The old Masco PA amps don't
just sound like the classic amps from the golden age of Chicago tone, they
ARE the amps use by players like Little Walter.  Their tone is near-perfect.

I run my Masco ME-18P into an Avatar 210 cab loaded with Weber 12A125-O
speakers.  Including the speakers, cab, and amp, it cost me about half of
the price of 2x6L6 combo amp from the custom builders.  I reviewed the Masco
amp here:

Anybody looking for the true old-school Chicago tone should consider
the Masco amps rebuilt in the hands of a master like Jim Rossen, Dale
Laslie, or Skip Simmons.

-Rick Davis
The Blues Harp Amps Blog

On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 3:03 PM, <rmnicotra@xxxxxxx> wrote:

>  Subject: affordable killer harp amp
>       i just recieved my modded masco me-18 from dale laslie at djl video
> [also megatone amps].
>        i'm just floored.? dale has made an in depth study of these old 40's
> and 50's pa heads.?? he's capitalized on their intrinsic qualities and
> developed a core of harp mods that have transformed? this little 25 watter
> from a sleeper to a raging monster? [of course he took that knowledge base
> to produce the wezo 45 which david barrett now endorses and unabashedly
> extolls its qualities].
>    ?here's the beauty of these modded pa heads,? they don't cost a fortune
> but give you what a fortune will buy.? if you were to make a wish list of
> your priorities for the ideal harp amp you'd find it in dale's work.?
> First,? he's tamed the feedback gremlins to an incredible degree.? Second,?
> the tonal variations are endless.? Third, here's something different, you
> can get great tone even at very low volume.? But here's the kicker.? they're
> afffordable!
>       here's a guy that has earned the harp community's respect and
> support.? do yourself a favor check him out [and listen to what david
> barrett has to say] at or contact him at
> dale@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx???? i swear,? he's a genius.?
> feel free to contact me off line for other info.
>       rick nicotra
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