RE: [Harp-L] proper mic technique Newbie needs help
Greg, If do what you say I do below I am certainly not conscious of it. I could be
wrong but I would think the amount of compression gained by sealing the
other holes would be pretty small. And I think it would be nearly impossible to cover every unplayed hole. My thumb just goes on the top holes because that it where it is most comfortable and I don't think I put that much of the harp against my cheek.
Also regarding $100 mics. Yes the Blues Blasters and Shure 520DX, there are definitely better mics available, but for Abner's purpose of learning to play amplified harp they would do fine.
> From: greg@xxxxxxxxxxx
> To: harp-l@xxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: RE: [Harp-L] proper mic technique Newbie needs help
> Date: Fri, 3 Apr 2009 20:18:45 -0700
> Ryan's video is great, but he fails to mention a very important point.
> In fact, I have found MOST people fail to mention it. I had to
> discover it on my own. SO - not to take anything away from Ryan - who
> clearly DOES what I'm about to tell you - he just doesn't talk about
> it, probably because he learned so long ago he doesn't even think
> about it....I'm going to give you the "rest of the secret" to great
> cupped tone. Sealing the FRONT of the harp is equally as important as
> sealing the back. What I mean is, the back can have an airtight
> chamber between the harp and the mic, but if you pucker a 5 blow and
> the other holes are open to the atmosphere, almost all the air will
> escape out the front of the harp and you won't "force-couple" the
> sound waves to the mic's element in the way that produces that really
> fat sound. Your goal is not only to have an airtight seal between the
> back of the harp and the mic, but to see that every hole on the front
> of the harp is either in your mouth, or sealed off. You can see Ryan
> using a combination of his right thumb sealing off the top couple of
> holes, and his cheek (by angling the harp back on the right side so
> that it rests against his cheek.) The bottom 4 or 5 holes are in his
> mouth, some undoubtedly sealed by his tongue or lips. THIS TECHNIQUE
> IS ESSENTIAL to getting fat tone. When you master it (and believe me,
> it takes practice) you will hear a HUGE difference in your tone, and
> your wahs will plunge the depths of the ocean.
> On the other statement - I consider "good" green bullets as anything
> earlier than (but not including) a 520DX, or Blues Blasters with
> Astatic elements, not the later junk Hohner put in when they ran out
> of Astatics.) If you know where I can get THOSE for $100 I'll buy
> every one of them. Honestly, I think the prices have gone higher than
> that. You CAN get lucky, particularly OFF of eBay, such as Craigslist
> and garage sales and flea markets - but I'm afraid those mics are
> fetching higher prices on eBay these days.
> /Greg
> > rom: Ryan Hartt <rhartt1234@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> > Date: April 3, 2009 9:41:16 AM PDT
> > To: <cdgaldos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <harp-l@xxxxxxxxxx>
> > Subject: RE: [Harp-L] proper mic technique Newbie needs help
> >
> >
> >
> > Abner,
> > If I may humbly offer the following:
> >
> > Maybe a wand/stick mic isn't for you. They aren't for me and my
> > short, fat, often sweaty fingers.
> > I'm a JT-30 man through and through.
> > You can't get a Blue Blaster or a Shure Green Bullet for about a
> > $100 that will suit your purpose.
> > Ryan
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