[Harp-L] Re: Chromonica III Comb Replacement

Hello, Shrimpdaddy.
The older Hohner "64 Chromonica" wood comb from the same era as the  
Chromonika III (1930? to about 1950?) will work as a replacement. They are  identical 
harps, except for the covers.
As far as I know, the Hohner Super 64 comb may not work as a replacement.  
It's a plastic comb, with different measurements than the wood comb Chromonica  
III. It's also from a younger era (1980? to present).
The older wood combed harps used nails to fasten the reed plates to the  
comb. The Super 64 uses screws.
I own one of each of the Hohner 64 chromatics: the Chromonika III; the 64  
Chromonica; and the Super 64. But I haven't done any "peeking under the  hood."  
I've had the pre-1937 Chromonika III and 64 Chromonica combs  replaced with 
acrylic combs and screws, 
by John Infande, of Ocala, Florida. He's an experienced, highly  recommended 
harmonica repair and maintenance expert. He will do the work  for you, or 
provide advice if you like to work on your own harmonicas.
If you want a wood comb for your Chromonika III, you may be out of luck.  All 
of Hohner's present day 
64 reed slide chromatics have plastic combs, and Hohner  doesn't sell wood 
combs for their 64 chromatics.  
Mr. Infande can repair your wood comb. I asked him to do that with my older  
64 chroms, and he glued the parts together, and returned the wood combs with 
the  customized 64 chromatics. Who knows, I may want 
to go back to the wood combs on the vintage harps. But I doubt it.
Here are John's phone number, website and e-mail addreses:
Phone: 352-873-0303.
E-mail: _infande@xxxxxxxxxxxx (mailto:infande@xxxxxxxxxxx) 
Website: infandecustomharmonicas.com
Best Regards, John Broecker

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