hello all,
now this may sound crazy but I have a fender hot rod amp
that I play harp through, and I love it. I am not a gear head, and it was
the only tube amp I could lay my hands on, and its loud enough for the
band I play with.
The thing is a name like hot-rod implies it's been altered in
some way. So I looked on the Internet and swapped the tubes and it sounds
better, all risk of feed back gone, very happy.
Now some time on I am looking for my next mod and want to swap
the original speaker for 2 x 10". But what ? I've been looking at
Jensen's, but can't decide between p10Q's, or p10R's, or may be one of
So anyone out there got any suggestions for this
weirdness,or ideas of where to look on Internet, thanks for your help.
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