Re: [Harp-L] Choose Your Weapon
Hi Eugene,
I saw your post and the reference to Larry Marks. I only play half-valved diatonics and like Larry play mostly in 2nd position, but also in 12th and 5th. The discussion about fully chromatic plying on a diatonic has been discussed in great length on Harp-l. If it means being able to play fluidly in any key on one harmonica than I don't qualify...however playing chromatic scales in tune is more than doable on a half valved diatonic. I would be happy to send you a sample of this offlist.
PT Gazell
Larry Marks writes about playing chromatically on a half-valved
diatonic....Very interesting Larry, I've never heard that approach
taken to full chromaticism. I would sometimes valve the 2 blow on a
diatonic instead of playing a 1 hole overblow. Would you be on for
providing a sample (offlist if you like) of something showing the
valved bends, maybe a chromatic scale or something like that, to hear
what the approach is like? I'd appreciate it. If not, that's ok - I
realise it's a bit forward of me to ask.
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