Re: [Harp-L] plag(i)arism

1 & 2 are true-I was there.
As for 3, no one can say how many in the audience would have known the solos
were taken from elsewhere. I believe few if any were wise to the heist.
As for 4, you can change "probably" to " perhaps" if you like but I believe
that was the motive.
When people pay tribute, they usually say so. You could argue with that, and
this Harp-L, after all, where anything that can be agued over will be.

In academia, people get fired for plagarism, to me at least so there is an
issue of honesty here.


Hi Glenn

I think you've raised a valid point and Rupert was brilliant to summarize it.

I deeply respect your sense of justice.

I just think we must be careful on item #4, in which we're judging
that person. We don't know his/her intention.

One thing is being able to reproduce perfectly a famous solo note by
note (and this demands dedication to the instrument). Some people can
be proud of such thing, and as someone said before, inserting a whole
solo of someone else in a performance may be bad taste, or may be a
tribute of some sort, even if it's not explicitly declared.

Another thing is to make money using someone else's creation without
any citation or authorization, and this is a crime, I think.

Very interesting discussion and subject, by the way ;-)

best regards

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