[Harp-L] Two Great Experiences at Harphouse

In Mail Order there are good guys and bad guys.

HarpHouse.com is one of the good guys, and I believe good experiences like the ones I have had with them should be noted where they'll do the most good - i.e., where harp players can hear about it.

Their response times have been excellent, and their service first rate. But the event that impressed me just about as much occurred a few months ago when I ordered a harp that, it turned out, didn't yet exist in the key I ordered it in.

It took just a couple hours for Harp House to contact me to tell me about the listing mistake, and to offer to either change my order or cancel it. I canceled it and that was all she wrote. (I was impressed because last year a different harp dealer in a similar situation jacked me around for weeks.) Yay Harp House for great service - for being one of the good guys.

A second experience, worth noting: they informed me last week that I had won their Gear Giveaway, the gear being a Fender Harp Case and one of their hand-made Crystal Ball Mics. That is, they have drawings, they're prizes are covetable, and harp players win them. (The case and the mic are beauts. I'll report back on the mic.)

I've had fine experiences with other mail order harp sites, noteably Coast2Coast, but I wanted to send a tip the ol' leopardskin pillbox to Harp House to say thanks for those prizes, and for being good guys.

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