Re: [Harp-L] Soldering Reeds

On Apr 10, 2007, at 1:39 PM, Vern Smith wrote:

Uncured or overheated epoxy is indeed nasty stuff. Burning epoxy is the most unpleasant odor imaginable.

Not as bad as burning flesh. smo-joe

However, I would not hesitate to use carefully mixed (make sure the proportions are correct), thoroughly cured (give it a day in a warm environment) and cleaned (swab it with alcohol) epoxy in small quantities. I have used metal-filled epoxy to repair broken wooden combs. Epoxy has the advantages of filling large gaps in a glue joint, practically no shrinkage, very high cured strength, and machinability. It will replicate the smallest details of a mold. It is essential to the technician's bag of adhesive & molding tricks.

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