I was expecting a response something like your's. Yes,
I am aware that 'old world' music moves on, and in some cases moves as
fast as does the change in the US. I would have to go to some length to
support my original contention; that musical change happens faster in
the US than in other places, but I still think it is broadly true, and I
would even argue that the trends emanating from the US influence,
directly an indirectly, the rate and sometimes content of that change.
I think the Dixieland example is different to say, an oud player in southeast Turkestan (sorry;being satirical here to cover my general ignorance)
I believe nostalgia to be more of a phenomenon of
developed western countries. You might find someone in a village culture
playing with an awareness to keep alive a tradition, but it could be
argued that that is a different thing to somebody in LA playing Cigago
Blues, or Chicago jazz for that matter.
()() JR "Bulldogge" Ross () () & Snuffy, too:) `----'