[Harp-L] Third position rave and questions

I play in a band that plays around 30 songs at a bar
gig.  All of our music is very blues based and many of
the tunes are I IV V or variations of that

I went from playing about three songs in third
position a night (all minor songs) to about half since
this winter.  Third position is AWESOME!!!  I don't
have the same vocabulary as I do in cross, but it
comes so natural and it is way easier to play cool

The only hang up I have at all, is that sometimes I
feel I sound too minor.  I don't know if this is due
to note selection or just my ear.  When you play third
position MAJOR, how does your approach change from a
minor tune?

For amost every song we play, it fits really well. 
The only problem I've ever had is when I try to play a
really major sound song like a stomp.  Should I stay
away from the 2 draw bent all the way down and five
draw?  Any suggestions on third position major theory?

I've tried the archives, but was surprised not to find
a lot of material on the playing style, but rather
songs recorded with 3rd pos. harps.  I guess there are
a lot of spelling variations too.


Mike Fugazzi


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