Re: [Harp-L] E-Bay and sniper programs

maybe i'm naive, but i don't get it. if you bid what
you would be willing to pay, you'll only be outbid by
people willing to pay more than you. that's how
auctions work, no?


--- In harp-l-archives@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "M. Erickson"
<erickm001@xxxx> wrote:
> I loath e-bay. I see a good deal, with an apparent
lack of interest by the
> rest of e-bay community; I make my bid, only to be
outbid in the last few
> seconds of the auction. I get out bid by "sniper
programs". Basically any
> auction on e-bay can have a multitude of hidden
bidders. Their sniper
> programs will active in the last few seconds of an
auction to place their
> bids.

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