Re: [Harp-L] Music Competitions are not Evil
From: jazmaan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx <dmf273@xxxxxxxxx
<<The issue before us is whether SPAH should host a competition..........
On the other side of the argument are those who think a competition might
attract new blood and
publicity to the annual convention.>>
This is an interesting discussion, but no one from SPAH has instigated it nor participated in it, so it may be a nice exercise in expressing opinions, but will probably have little influence on how the New Philosophy will run the convention.
What interests me, however, is where this feeling that SPAH needs to attract new blood and publicity to the conventions comes from. Is there an undercurrent that something needs to be done to inject excitement or interest to the convention? Have those that attended the convention perceived something in the air that, up till now and beyond the usual glowing reports of how wonderful the convention is - always the best one yet - leads to this type of discussion?
Phil Lloyd's comments seemed to have started this thread. Perhaps someone will shed a little light on why this aspect is being discussed.
Curious minds wish to know..
The Iceman
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