[Harp-L] Subject: Sudden Hearing Loss - a possible help/cure?

Not sure this will work for anyone with tinnitus brought on by high sound  
decibels as was recently discussed here, but I found it interesting and thought  
I'd toss it out there just for information:
July 21 Health Tips
"Vitamin E may help restore hearing   

Israeli scientists  say early study results show vitamin E may restore sudden 
onset  hearing loss of unknown origin or idiopathic sudden hearing loss. The  
findings, presented at the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and  Neck 
Surgery Foundation annual meeting, suggest  further research may reveal the 
role of antioxidants in the  prevention and restoration of hearing loss. Each 
year, some 4,000  Americans report the onset of sudden hearing loss. Causes  
infectious diseases, circulatory disorders,  traumatic injuries and 
toxic, metabolic and neurological sources. However, the cause of SHL  can 
be identified in 10 percent to 15 percent of patients,  the remainder of 
which have no obvious cause, are termed idiopathic sudden hearing  loss.
About two-thirds of these patients recover without treatment within  days. "
.....well there was this too - but I'm not sure how it relates.  (Only  
reporting mind you, not suggesting. <g>):
 -- Maintain a good sense of humor. Laughter helps keep blood  vessels 
dilated and protects against heart attacks.   -- Have sex  frequently.  Studies 
indicate sexual activity might help prolong life,  as well as prevent colds, 
depression and heart  disease.   

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