Re: Harp Depot has another new Bushman called the Delta Frost

To All

My "note" to John was Very Short... yet Terse, indeed...
It was Only (in my feeble mind) meant as a wake-up call
for Mr Hall to reply to Chris Moran's (apparently valid)
negativity towards his transaction with the Depot...

Plus- for you that didn't receive one... Harp Depot sent out
a 7-hour warning (on 8/12) to hurry-up and buy your BB tix
before the prices went-up... so I knew that John wasn't
on a vacation (which it sounds like he deserves/need one!)
and I re-wondered why he hadn't found the time to address
the (premature) negativity begun by Chris.

Anyways... It was sent off-list and Was Quickly repled to
by John... and addressed-to by him on harp-l (and very
well- i might add).

So- what I set-out to do with my 13-word e-mail seemed to
accomplish Something...

... and, now- I feel like-a-da-dog poop......


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