Re: Seydel harps - reviews?

Jeff G wrote:
>Seems the Seydel harps are more rare than I'd expected. 
>My previous inquiry called the Leyden harps.
>Nope, it's S-E-Y-D-E-L .
>Any user reviews, or info regarding the pros and/or cons of the several styles
>they offer will be appreciated.

Seydel  (AKA C.A.S.S.) harps are quite common in Europe. Seydel make
the Bandmaster range, as well as the Welmeister and Bushman harps. 

Bandmasters were basically bottom of the range cheap harps - playable,
but leaky and often poorly tuned. The more recent Seydel harps, as
well as the Weltmeister and Bushman harps that come form the same
factory, seem to be made to higher standards, but I have not yet felt
the urge to change from my usual brand. One thing they all have in
common is a slightly wider hole spacing than Hohner, Suzuki, Lee
Oskar, etc. Not enough that it would be a major problem for anyone,
but I do find it noticeable.

FWIW, I managed to find a review I did of some Seydel harps a few
years back:

 -- Pat.

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