Re: Question on Bonnie Raitt's Runaway

The prevauiling attitude that intellectual property ought to be in the public domain bugs the hell out of me. The talented folks that create songs, lyrics, books, software, tablatures, etc. work hard to come up with something we can all enjoy and be entertained by. I wouldn't have had a problem if it had been posted on a non-commercial site or if I had been asked. 

On a related note, that tab has errors. It's an early version that has since been corrected. Along with the corrections, the updated version contains references to The J. Geils Band, Magic Dick and the songwriter who together created the property that allowed me to generate a tab so that others could learn the song.

Rick Barker 

- --- John Watts <coast2coastmusic@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>--- "B.T" <bulldog483@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Where can a tab of wammer jammer be had ?
>> I did a search of Rick Barker and came up empty ..
>> Is he a member?
>> Thanks
>> Bulldog
>You can see Rick's tab here:
>John Watts, Coast to Coast Music
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