you guys have it....
well...for once, i am not posting any questions or enquiries (not in any
position to forward any opinions and techniques anyway). just a commendation
to all you folks on this list. thanks for the quick response, very useful tips,
encouragements, seriouness in harp playing, humour, professionalism,
helpfulness, extensive knowledge and great patience with newbies. I've learnt
much (able to bend in a few short practices!) and have since neglected my
guitar (except to check my bend notes). you guys have been great...
no names would be mentioned since you guys know who you are.....
(oh yes..i see Jack chuckling...i see Hugh smiling....i see Richard
nodding his head...and Michael with a grin.....Winslow aplaudding for
himself and the rest....that includes you Chris and BassHarper.....oh boy..
and every single person subscribed to this guys made it *happen*).
>8 cut it out before i get mushy...:)
cheng ann
-tan cheng ann-
civil & structural engineering *no big sig*
nanyang technological university *save the bandwidth*
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