Valving #6 draw on Meisterklasse

Valve the draw if you want to bend the 6 blow.  You'll only get a half 
step bend but you'll get all of it.  The valved Suzukis are all valved 
like this 1-6.  The valve goes on the fixed end of the reed on the inside 
of the draw plate.  Duco cement works fine I'm sure there are other 
products that would work also.  I did a similar thing to a key of C 365 
Marine Band.  The number 7 hole has a B draw and a C blow.  They're only 
a half step apart.  The draw note tends to choke very easily and you 
can't bend it at all.  Valving the blow note fixes all that.  Now I get a 
half step bend to Bb and better yet I can play the note hrder and not 
have it choke.  It does tend to rattle the valve if played wrong and you 
lose the overblow.  I think it's the overblow that starts the rattle.  FJM

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