New JT-30 vs Old JT-30

I have a vintage JT-30 and a buddy of mine, Tom Townsley, (I think you have spoken to him on the phone, Tim.  
He is a friend of Arthur Moore, who is out your way.)  Anyhow, he just got a JT-30 with the Crystal Balls mod 
and we both thought that the CB had a bit more "bite" (high-mid presence), and a slightly hotter signal the old
one had a clearer tone and the presence could be gained by turning up the treble.  Both mics were great and 
sounded slightly different, but we couldn't decide that one sounded better than the other.  Here's one for you,
though.  I was at an antique show and picked up a bullet-shaped mic that was painted an Army brown color.
No markings on it except that it had a label that read "Produced under license from the Brush Development 
Company"  (I think, it definitely said Brush Development, but I can't remember whether they had the license
gave the license.)  It has a fin on top and sounds fantabuluous!  I think it sounds better than my JT-30 or my
1950s green bullet.  Anybody ever seen one like this.  I would say it looks to have the Turner "style" to it,
but no Turner markings.

Bernie Clarke
"I'm beggin' you babe, please cut out that off the wall jive." - SBWII

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