Re: [Harp-L] First dead Fire Breath - tell Suzuki about it

This is the sort of thing Suzuki would like to know about. My
experience with them is that they are very conscientious about their
product and would want to understand any failures.

I would suggest you get in touch with Os Leguizamo at suzuki:

oleguizamo -at symbol-

He's their customer service rep and very responsive.


--- Richard Hunter <turtlehill@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I did about 40 takes last night on a hard blues on my Suzuki Fire
> Breath 
> in C.  The 4 hole blow reed failed completely -- just plain packed up
> and quit, dropped to about an Ab.
> I switched to a Lee Oskar for the next few takes, but the sound is
> very, 
> very different, even through an amp.  Wouldn't be a problem except
> that 
> it will be difficult to match the takes.
> This was a pretty spectacular failure, and unexpected -- I can't 
> remember the last time I had a blow 4 reed on a C harp fail
> completely.
> Regards, Richard Hunter
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