RE: [Harp-L] overblows

When you practicing overblow must help to know that when you blow the blow reed will choke than the draw reed will vibrate to produce the note you'll want to hear. What happen on lee oskar harmonica is the reed are so thin than the reed are hard to choke without getting weird sound. Could help to concentrate on the note that you want to vibrate i mean when i want overblow i concentrate the air flow on the draw reed and the blow reed will choke anyways my playing is more fluent that way. Same things happen for bend except that both reed continue to vibrate.

Have fun !

From: rainbowjimmy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
To: harp-l@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [Harp-L] overblows
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 06:49:45 -0600

I've been practicing my overblows on a Lee Oskar harp--the 6 blow. Most of the
time it goes like this--is the note bending up or down? Is that an overblow?
It's subtle...Last night I got a cool high pitched whistle that I even isolated
for one brief glorious second. It sounded like the Grateful Dead playing
feedback in 1967. I take it that's not what I'm aiming for.

By the way I was also getting neat trumpet noises on my melodica tube.

Rainbow Jimmy _______________________________________________ Harp-L is sponsored by SPAH, Harp-L@xxxxxxxxxx

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